31st October 2016

Shared Hosting Various Hosting Servers

To provide you with the most reliable and robust hosting environment available, we will be rebooting our hosting servers to apply security patches. Below is a list of servers we will be rebooting.

wsl00005,wsl00006,wsl00008,wsl00009 wsl00010,wsl00011,wsl00012,wsl00013 wsl00014,wsl00017,wsl00018,wsl00020 wsl00022,wsl00023,wsl00025,wsl00027 wsl00028,wsl00029,wsl01003,wsl01004 wsl01005,wsl01007,wsl01008,wsl01009 wsl01010,wsl01012,wsl01013,wsl01014 wsl01015,wsl01016,wsl01018,wsl01019 wsl01020,wsl01021,wsl01022,wsl01023 wsl01025,wsl01027,wsl01028,wsl01029 wsl01030,wsl02002,wsl02003,wsl02005 wsl02007,wsl02012,wsl02013,wsl02016 wsl02019,wsl02020,wsl02024,wsl02025 wsl02026,wsl02028,wsl03004,wsl03005 wsl03019,wsl03021,wsl06014

This maintenance window will occur on Monday, Oct 31th between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. MDT. It is estimated that the maintenance will take no more than 30 minutes.

  • Update 5:01 a.m. MDT: The maintenance has been successfully completed.